
Works from Congo

For 2009, I've decided to stop apologizing for being me. In the spirit of this, some works from Congo. Nabih has knocked out the camera so, awaiting a better photo:

Headlines from DRC
upper text: Afghanistan Iraq Israel Ukraine Pakistan Zimbabwe Sudan Rwanda India Myanmar Jordan Guinea Ethipoia Liberia Sierra Leone Chad Nigeria Somalia Armenia Nepal Cuba Ecuador Korea Haiti Iran Columbia Tibet China Mexico Sri Lanka Turkey Eritrea Yemen Samoa Bangladesh Angola Benin Ivory Coast Democratic Republic of Congo Cambodia Azerbaijan Zambia Central African Republic Lesotho Tajikistan Palestine Senegal Guinea-Bissau Uganda Republic of Congo Peru Philippines Ghana Gambia Vietnam Bhutan Kiribati Vanuatu Malawi Cape Verde Burundi Mali Maldive Laos Comoros Tuvalu Togo East Timor

lower text:

One of the poorest most chaotic nations on the planet Insecurity fear confusion slaughter Home to innumerable resources Home to innumerable crimes against humanity humans Diamonds Poverty Copper Gender-based violence Iron Preventable disease Coal Ebola Cobalt Civil War Coltan Malnutrition Lead Sexual Exploitation Uranium Rape Petroleum Cholera Zinc Malaria Hydropower Culture of Corruption Gold Child Soldiers Silver Child Miners Magnesium Child Deaths Tin 5,400,000 deaths 4,000,000 orphans 40,000 rapes 10,000 child soldiers 45,000 die each month every month 17,000 MONUC do not prevent 16 villages attacked 500 killed for Christmas and Happy New Year don't talk chop off your lips chop off your hands dead hands living hands 2 1/2 year old child raped 1 in 5 die before 5 30% of children quit school to dig in mines 1,000,000 people displaced homeless hungry running from violence fear insecurity slaughter chaos poverty sexual violence carnage savagery crimes against humanity humans

La violence faites a la femmeJacques' disturbing and hauntingly relevant ballet.