
A tree cutting

I suppose it is nothing that would turn a seasoned mountain climber's eye. Just a guy in a tree.
This is the guy from downtown, still working on cutting the tree down after several weeks. From the looks of his machete (versus the girth of the tree) I think he has enough work lined up for several months. I can only hope he is getting paid by the day and not by tree. He has more ropes than the tree cutter I witnessed by the pool, but he does not have a chainsaw.

I had taken a short reprieve from the sounds of the Saturday shopping bus when I came across the perfect angle to get this shot. He seemed to be floating with the breeze. It is a height and a precariousness I simply can't imagine. I could have walked on that African street for miles, and I would have loved to do so. I imagine someday I just might, after time and space has set me free. Just walk down some African street until I find my way home.