
year five

Things seem to be going wrong in that colossal way that leaves no room for doubt about future direction. If I was waiting for a theme to emerge this year, irony appears to have shown herself from head to tail. If I had hoped and prayed for signs to guide me, they've been succinctly answered.

I am trying to remember when doors close, windows open and every opportunity begins with an ending. And actually, it's no longer feeling suffocating but liberating. I am learning to laugh at the turn of events and bizarre predicaments my life is bringing forth. Perhaps all of those capoeira classes meant to find find balance and inner strength have paid off.

Despite the departure of my kickboxing instructor, Kinshasa has come through and provided a vast new array of exercise activities to fill my evenings. I wonder how I will have time for classroom planning and homework.

I have vowed (again) not to let my working life take over, but any teacher will tell you how nearly impossible that is. It's not a neat and tidy job that ends at a precise hour when all the papers can be stacked and declared finished. Rather, it is a never ending search to improve, to motivate, to enlighten and to cherish the process of learning. I find myself at a moment when my own personal learning and growth is offering up new pathways and possibilities. 

Salue, year five. I embrace the challenges and new directions you are offering.