

I don't have much to say about this photo. Rather, I don't have much information to provide. But I have plenty of questions. There are two of these around the city that I have seen so far. A few months back, I saw something similar in message, though with a different image.

It's confusing to say the least. Irony at its best. I wonder who is the deciding force behind these banners.  The one I managed to snap a photo of is posted on the side of RTNC, the local TV and radio station. The other one is located downtown on the side of a building facing the boulevard.

It seems odd that billboards like this can be posted around the city when journalists are still on slippery ground. They are menaced, falsely accused, insulted, spied onthreatened and killed for reporting on this very topic.

I also can't really figure out who this message is intended for. If this were any other country, I might imagine a group of concerned citizens got together to send a message to the government. But clearly the government is aware of these signs, has, in fact, allowed them to be placed and remain hanging. So I am left to ponder....who are they talking to?