
Kids these days

Aside from the perils of security- there are the occasional pleasures from students. A few of my conversations in the first weeks of school reminded me what amazing places international schools can be.

I spent my first high school lunch duty roaming the student lounge area trying to make small talk with kids while also giving them privacy. I am so used to roaming and talking in elementary school (where the students still love attention from teachers) that I didn't even think twice about how high school kids would react. For the most part, they humored me, engaging in quick conversation before turning back to their screens.

One group of boys had a few t-shirts in wrapped in plastic. They had an interesting logo and seemed to be a "thing." Of course, I had to ask. "What's up with the t-shirts?" Apparently they were for sale- did I want one? "Not quite yet, " I responded," but what if I did? How do you get one?" Naturally they directed me to their website, which they'd designed and created to market their clothing line Forward. Naturally.

But it's not just in high school where they have grand ambitions. Part of my job has me helping out in the 4/5th grade during writing. As I chatted with one student about his story, we got on the topic of his future goals. "Well, I'm going to be president." No doubt there. "Of what?" I had to ask, thinking perhaps he wanted to run his own company. I clearly underestimated him.

"I haven't decided yet. America or Mali. It's a tough decision." He assured me he was qualified for either position, having been born in the US and his parents are also Malian. He figured he had a few years to decide which country he would be president of- first.

Dream big.