

I am completely not supposed to be here. I have been avoiding papers due- in days, maybe even tomorrow- and presentations and other PhD work. I stopped by just to look for something, some details from an old post that I am working on turning into a respectable piece of writing.

But my creative titles and random word labels had me searching a bit longer than anticipated. And then, of course, I got sucked into reading. About corners and walking home and being in the world with my neighbors. I also realized I hadn't written at all this year and I am in danger of blogging out. Which I really don't want to do.

Nigeria is hard to write about. The very small, very elite, very closed-off island bubble we live in here is even harder to write about. Living on campus means no walk to school- or at least a super limited walk to school. Since I am not feeling positive about so many things here, it's practically impossible to write about.

There are a few things that come up- and there was one thing that seemed really perfect- I remembered thinking that it captured the essence of here without having that negative bent that so often colors my thoughts these days. Of course, I've forgotten it now, but the back of my mind is working on retrieving it.

Lately I've been feeling like every country has me itching to move, but this one especially so. I could make a list of things I miss, but it is more interesting to challenge myself into making a list of things I like. We have a kiln at school. That's one thing.

I guess I need to head off and write my papers now. But I will be back. At least once a month is my goal for this year. With an interesting tale of some sort or another. Or rich descriptive piece that illuminates a slice of life here. I miss writing here, documenting our lives in other cultures. For now, we're mostly in our apartment.