
what i could have written about but didn't

completely unsatisfied with my most recent entry but unsure of how to change it...i decided just to invite you to sample the random, swirling thoughts that fill my head each day from which i try to construct coherent, interesting and descriptive sentences.   i could have written about
  • a dancing pig
  • the 23 year old who left it all to learn swahili and start a school
  • how completely unimportant and meaningless my own personal life felt after reading that article
  • oatmeal raisin cookies, homemade ice cream and teaching couple from sudan
  • the 10 year old girl filled with emotion who thought her cousin was involved in congo's abusive tin mining practices
  • chocolate banana cookies, homemade frozen yogurt and a neighbor
  • malian women refusing their own right to speak for themselves and be educated
  • the 4 year old who had an entire building of children repeating his sing song words (yes, that would be my four year old.....he's got a gift--- of some nature)
  • the conservative right, as found everywhere here in drc and the vast approaches i've developed to respond and interact with them on a daily basis
  • emotional uncertainty and psychological imbalance...as experienced here in drc on a daily basis (oh wait, i think my last post was about that...)
  • the huge wedding? or other event held just around the corner, creating thrilling traffic scenes as drivers hauled their oversize camions into alternate lanes despite oncoming traffic (no worries, accident averted...i had at least 2 inches between my mirror and theirs)
  • insects and the complete annoyance and final tolerance of finding them absolutely everywhere, surely i've eaten more than a few....am i still a vegetarian?
  • the process of creative (or written!) art and how the end result often does not match our emotional journey nor our aesthetic preferences.........
Basically, I could continue but won't.
Instead, working to focus and present information (more photos pleeeze) on aspects of life as
an enfant du pays......sans le famille, sans les amies, sans l'amour, mais avec le main de dieu
raising two boys in africa, loving dance, and searching for adventure as found in everyday heroes