
your o news

We have one channel in English...Euronews / multinews. Its a daily dose of what's going on around the world in my native language. They don't offer too much information, maybe a thirty minute segment that rolls over again and again. They manage to get most of the headlines and it's enough information to start the day with. They also have an interesting segment called 'no comment' in which they simply show video of an event without any reporting on it. Images only.

This morning I listened as the reporter gave accounts of news from the world in her accented English. Not surprisingly, the US made the headlines.  It was a rare account, having the US make the Euronews in a case that didn't involve war or menace of another country. I realized, with some dismay, the US had blended in with the other reports about mistreatment and citizens rallying against those in power.

There have been so many cases cited recently, I can't actually keep track of them. The UN has even taken a position "expressing deep concern about the “disproportionate number of young African-Americans who die in encounters with police officers, as well as the disproportionate number of African Americans in US prisons and the disproportionate number of African-Americans on Death Row.”

What the heck is going on over there? I would be a lot more surprised if I hadn't already had my own  experience along this route. But that is a story for another day. Right now, trying to wrap my head around current events, and thinking this is somehow related.