

Three generations of dancers are standing before me, though I don't think they're necessarily related. They are the mask dancers - specially qualified and specifically initiated in the secret rituals associated with the full body costumes.

The choreographer for Mouaye, Lass, told me the story of how these dancers spent time in the village learning the art. "They are mystic." He is almost whispering. His reverence is understandable. Mask dancing requires incredible muscle control and strength.

I can't find a video of the one who seems to slide along the ground, defying all rules of natural human movement, but I have seen his performance a few times here in Abidjan. He is covered in raffia and moves like a hoverboard. It is enough to send the children scattering in peals of fear induced laughter.

They will be joining us at MASA- or rather, I will be joining them. I am incredibly honored (and more than a touch  nervous) about the opportunity to be a part of such a big event. My teachers are amazing- in just one month I feel I have made so much more progress than all the months I spent dancing in Palmeraie. (Not to mention in just one month, they are confident enough in me to put me on stage with them.)

I usually spend at least one day a week concentrating on drum. I can see progress in this area as well. I am much better at practising at home- to be fair- but I've also gotten intriguing advice.

"If you really want  the music to stick, you know what you do?" One of my drum teachers, also a Lass, is talking. They are always asking me to take recordings and make videos of my lessons. I am about to find out why. "In the night, in the middle of the night, like 1 or 2 o'clock when everything is quiet, you play the music. You let the sound fill up your sleeping. It will really permeate then. The drums are spiritual, mystic. They come out at night." He assures me this is a sure fire method for ingesting the rhythms. I am inclinded to believe him. With MASA less than a week away, I am open to everything.