
Job Market

I have been in the job market for the last.....year or more it seems. A recent complication with my passport has made my prospects suddenly oh so slim. I remain stuck on that wikihow about poverty (which should seriously be re titled "How to get some extra cash") <and no, I'm not seriously looking for advice on wikihow but someone else might be> because what I know is that you can't actually work your own way out of poverty. One person can only hold so many jobs and quite often, working more leads to paying more in transportation, child care, and other hidden costs. Smart people find ways to get their money to work for them- investments of some kind that can continue gaining while you're off earning in some other way. It's been on my mind a lot and I'm hoping a solution will come to me soon.

In the meantime, I continue to hold onto the idea that a change of field is what I really need. I came across yet another BBC article pointing out something I have been teaching for years in Congo. My first thought was- Hey! They're using my maps- but then I realized it was probably the other way around. I may have first picked up those maps from some news source such as the BBC, but then I put them together in just that strategic way that would allow my students to do some critical thinking and draw conclusions about the current state of affairs- just as the BBC article seems to be doing.

It's exciting to see my ideas validated and reported on BBC- even if I am the only one who knows I had these ideas long before they were published on such a prominent site. Writing can happen anywhere- maybe I should turn my prospects toward my favorite news station????