
Election music

Contrary to the drama of the US elections, on this side of the pond elections are much more subdued (well, the leading up to anyway. The aftermaths have their own drama.) I did read a comment or two about the excessive length of the American elections, which I might agree with, though I definitely believe there is a 'too short' period as well. (Surely there's a scientific study out there designed to determine the ideal length of a campaign season.)

Here, it seems to begin with the music. I noticed it about a week or so ago. Large trucks with open backs and blaring speakers ride through the streets. Dancers with candidate tee-shirts wave and undulate as they pass by. A political parade minus the politician. The candidate's poster is plastered to the front and back grill and wherever else there is space. It is an effective method for getting attention. I'm not sure what else it gets. Or who picks the music. It doesn't seem to have a message but rather is whatever is hip and hot at the moment.

Then the posters begin to show up. There are small black and whites, reminiscent of a mug shot, others are bold and colorful. Some are pasted onto large plywood triangles set up for just this purpose, a ready made billboard- larger than life and showing smiling, well dressed politicians eager for your vote. There is often a tag line but not much more. I wonder where these people have come from.

I don't watch tv and so maybe there are debates or public service ads designed to reveal a bit more about the candidate than their stylish wardrobe. The newspaper stands appear slightly more congested lately, and so maybe something can be learned from there.

But it feels so sudden and so incomplete. I want to know who you are and what you stand for. I want to know about your hidden talents and whether or not you can dance. What's your history in politics and what property do you hold? What are your business connections and who is your spouse?

Maybe none of that is really important ....maybe the majority of citizens already know...? Election in fast forward is how it feels, so completely opposite of the long, drawn out theater that American elections have become. Surely there's a middle ground?

In the meantime, impromptu parades and the latest in election music will have to do.